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Where Quality Stands First

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis( Amavata in Ayurveda ) ?

Amavat is a painful condition which initially manifests as a gut disorder with early symptoms of indigestion, fever, fatigue,anorexia. Later the disease is seen to encroach all the tissues, mainly bones, muscles & joints. This condition is often compared to Rheumatoid Arthritis of modern day which is an autoimmune disorder. this disease is formed due to combination of Vitiated ama & vaat.

What is Ama?

Immature nutritional essence -( Apakva Ras ) Formed in stomach due to sluggish digestion (Aqnimandhya and Ajmera). This essence goes into circulation in immature and unprocessed form. It is available to all the tissues and organs of body and stayed in the cells neither digested for flushed out during to its sticky nature ama blocks and clogs all the channels of nutrition in the body.This depletes the nutrition and essential naturals to the tissue and organs. As a result there is multiple tissue damage and wide away of disease are manifested.

Causes of Ama?

How is Amavata formed ?

Due to above said causes plenty of ama is formed in body. The vata also gets vitiated and pushes the ama into different parts of the body through circulation. Mainly vayu pushes the ama itno shleshma sthana (sides of kapha), mainly bony joints and muscles. later ama & vata gets associated with morbid pitta which tent to destroy any tissue or organ with which they come into contact. The vitiated ama & vata get lodged in various joints, mainly in low back, pelvis & hips & causes stiffness of body along with severe pain.


Initially the symptoms appear like those of indigestion. in this condition the disease process has just begin and has not reached the joints. These symptoms include :

  • Pain in body parts, general body acha
  • Anorexia, tastelessness
  • hirst
  • Weakness
  • Fever
  • Swelling in body parts
  • ...

    In later stages when disease spreads to joints, tissues and organs then the damage of this parts occur which include:

    • Painful swelling in joints of hand, foot, head, neck, ankle, sacrum, coccyges, knee, hips.
    • Scorpion pite pain sensation, excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, burning sensation, heaviness of body, excessive urination, sluggish digestion, stool comprise of indigested food, feeling of tightness of chest, flatulence.

Treat pain & swelling with Phyto anti-inflammatory & analgesic, fully safe to take for long period- Foor Step total tablet

Boswallia Serrata(Sallaki)

“Boswellic acids – the active components have strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This also helps prevent cartilage loss and inhibit the autoimmune process, making Indian frankincense/boswellia apotential therapy for RA in addition to OA”.

Withania Somnifera(Ashwagandha)

Ashwagandha has demonstrated antiinflammatory,analgesic, and chondroprotective properties in experimental studies. It blocks the cyclo-oxygenase (COX) pathway and has analgesic effects.

Cissus qudrangularis Linn (Vedhari)

This act as analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Gives strength to ligament,tendon and muscles and found condroprotective in nature, also gives strength to subchondrol bone so the cartilage and its base ecamestrong. This improves gastric mucosal health and also lower blood sugar level.

Buy Now

It is the total formulation of improving digestive fire along with pain & inflammation subsider which boosts immunity & strength in the body

Vitex Nigundo Extract (Nirgundi)

It is a versatile herb and has a antirheumatic action, antiinflammatory action & act as a analgesic so it is useful in treatment of arthritis. It also helps in resolving Digestive tract problems.

Vitex Nigundo Extract (Nirgundi)

It is a richest source of anti oxidants, vitamins and

minerals. It helps in pacify vitiated vata dhosha in body. It

stimulates low digestive fire and promotes healthy

digestion. it also helps to stimulates immune system and

strength of body. it reduces pain & inflammation in

arthritic conditioin.

Smilax china (Chopchini)

It is drug of choice for vata disorders. Anti-rheumatic nature of this herb is used to reduce inflammation and pain. it is also good in treating digestive problems..

Zingiber Officinale (Shunthi)

It is useful in Pramoting digestive fire and helps in

rheumatoid arthritis & amavata as it relieves pain &


Piper Nigrum (Mrich)

It increases digestive strength and balances Caugh and vata dosh, act as analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Piper Longum ( Pippali)

It improves digestion and appetite and act as a anti inflammatory drug used in ama vata.

Buy Now

Boerhavia Diffusa (Punarnava)

It is used as anti inflammatory agent and relieves pain  and swelling as we find it in amavata.

Plumbago Zeylanica (Chitrakmool)

This herb balances vitiated vata, act as anti inflammatory, treat digestive weakness, muscular pains and Rheumatism.

Crinum Latifolium (Sudarshan)

It helps in relieving pain & swelling of joints and reduces  vitiated vata dosha.

Plumbago Zeylanica (Chitrakmool)

This herb balances vitiated vata, act as anti inflammatory, treat digestive weakness, muscular pains and Rheumatism.

Tribulus Terrestris (Gokshur)

It also act as analgesic,  anti arthritic, antiinflammatory agent. It improves immunity and strength of body.

Tinospora Cordifolia
( Amruta )

It is great way to balance three doshas, it subsides inflammation in arthritis and rheumatic condtion and treats pain.

Ferula Asafoetida ( Hingu )

As its anti-inflammatory property it slows down the process of inflammation, it is an amazing spice for treating stomach ailments which are commonly  found in early symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis.

Pluchea lanceolata
( Rasnamool )

It is an effective vata shamak drug. it is used to cure  inflammation and pain as its anti-inflammatory and analgesic property.

Buy Now


It comprises of 10 effective herbs used for pain disorder and inflammatory disease related to arthritis.

Rosa Rubiginosa ( Gulab )

As an anti-inflammatory property this plant is useful in slow down the process of inflammation of joints in Rheumatism.

Martynia Annua ( Kaknasha )

It promotes the production of digestive juices, hence it is beneficial for stomach problems and hyper acidity. it improves blood Circulation and also act as ntiinflammatory herb and the thus reduces inflammation in Rheumatic arthritis.

How to use Foor Steps Plus & 4 Step R Ayurvedic tablet?

Foor steps total tablet has to be tken thrice a day after meals or as directed by the physician. Best result observed on use of 12-16 weeks, but relief starts within 2-3 weeks.Avoid taking medicine empty stomach.

1.Boswallia Serrata.-
Origin: Gum resin from the bark of the Boswellia tree found in India.Claims: Reduces inflammation and treats rheumatoid arthritis (RA),osteoarthritis (OA) and bursitis symptoms. It may also be used to treat symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. What we know: Boswellic acids – the active components – may have strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They may also help prevent cartilage loss and inhibit the autoimmune process, making Indian frankincense/boswellia a potential therapy for RA in addition to OA. Dosage: Capsule or tablet; typically 300 mg to 400 mg three times per day. Look for products with 60-percent boswellic acids, the active ingredient. ...

2.Withania somnifera.-
Trial shows that Withania somnifera at a dosage of 500 mg per day may effective alternative to NSAIDs for patients with joint pain.

A previous randomised controlled trial evaluated the efficacy of W. somnifera in combination with other nutraceuticals for OA and reported significant improvements. This double -blind, placebo-controlled trial included 60 patients with knee pain who were randomised to take W. somnifera at a dosage of 500mg per day, 250mg per day, or placebo for 12 weeks. W. somnifera capsules contained standardised aqueous extract of roots and leaves (Sensoril).
All patients discontinued analgesic therapy 7–10 days before the start of the study, and symptoms were evaluated at baseline, four, eight, and 12 weeks.

Conclusion of trail shows W. somnifera has demonstrated anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and chondroprotective properties in experimental studies. It blocks the cyclo-oxygenase (COX) pathway and has analgesic effects.

The results of this clinical trial suggest that W. somnifera at a dosage of 500mg per day is well tolerated and may offer an effective alternative to NSAIDs for patients with joint pain.

3.Cissus qudrangularis Linn.-
CQE is known from anscient time good for bone health. Recent studies shows it is chpndroprotective also. This act as analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Gives strength to ligament ,tendon and muscles and also gives strength to subchondrol bone so the base of cartilage became strong. This improves gastric mucosal health and also lower blood sugar level.
Recommended dosage is 750 to 1500 mg per day.


How to use Foor Steps Oil?


Foor Steps ayurvedic oil: Foor Steps oil is ayurvedic product safe to use and to be applied on affected joint and is for external use only. Foor steps oil helps to reduce Joints Pain, Backache, Muscular Sprain, Stiffness of Joints, a regular local application of Foor Steps oil improves pain in rest, distance of walk, Stairs climbing and flexion of joint in case of knee arthritis.

Foor Steps oil is Ayurvedic preparation and has been formulated by using time-tested Ayurvedic herbs for local external application on the skin on and around the suffering joint. It should not be applied to any wound or cut area and should not be consumed orally. Foor Steps ayurvedic oil is one of the best ayurvedic pain relief product in which herbal oil of different types has been used. These herbs possess anti-inflammatory activities and benefits in back pain, knee pain and joint pain. ...

Apply with roll-on bottle massage oil on and around the affected area/joint on the skin. Do not massage after applying the oil.
Best results are observed for regular use..
Type & Formation: Package Include, Foor Steps Ayurvedic oil 60 ml roll on pack free with Foor steps total 90 tablet pack and also with Joint fresh-C 90 tablet pack.

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