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About Palmistry:

A science of Indian origin but practiced all over the world with numerous cultural variations, palmistry is the art of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm. It is also known as palm reading or chirology. The unique study of Palmistry is divided into two major sections or sciences known as Cheirognomy and cheiromancy.

Significance of Palmistry:

The palmists or the hand readers read and analyze your palm and make predictions about your life and future. This consultation makes you aware about your destiny through your own karmas which are visible on your palm. It addresses issues involving-

  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Emotional turmoil
  • Future goals
  • Attaining and achieving one’s wants
  • Not only this, it connects you to all those unsolved mysteries about yourself and help you find all the unresolved answer

Palm Lines & Their Meanings

  1. Heart Line: Prosperity and hurdles in an individual’s love life can be assessed with the help of this particular line.

  2. Lifeline Line: You can find out your life expectancy rate and overall journey of life with a detailed analysis of this line.

  3. Health Line: You can assess your well beings and the ailments you encounter in life with the help of this line.

  4. Fate Line: This line works in accordance with your lifeline and provides information about your ability to cope up with various situations of life.

  5. Head Line: This line provides information about your wisdom and intellect.

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