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Where Quality Stands First

What is necessary for bone health & mineralization of bone?

For bone health need healthy bone cells called osteocytes along

with collagen fiber matrix with minerals deposited. This include

about 14 minerals, 8 Vitamins and amino acids which do not form

in body, so we need from outside via diet or supplement.

OPD45 provide about 12 minerals, 8 vitamins and amino acid to

take comprehensive care of bone health.


Crystalline mineral compound, called hydroxyapatite, is  formed principally from calcium & phosphorus. Essential for healthy bone development, bone maintenance, bone strength and rigidity.


Phosphorus is about 17% of bone, this combines

with calcium to form mineral crystal that gives

strength & structure to bone.


Help in absorption of calcium and phosphorus.Also helps to build bones and keep bones strong and healthy. Also block the release of parathyroid hormone. This hormone reabsorbs bone tissue, which makes bones thin and brittle. Vitamin D also play a role in muscle function and the immune system.

How to start?

Dosage :

1 or 2 tablet per day in 200 ml of water.

Dosage :

One sachet O.D. in 200 ml of water per day.

Proven Results

Over 50000 happy customers have already Benefitted  with Amazing Results.

Customers Feedback Say’s it all.

OPD45 is for You

OPD45 is a breakthrough

Medicine for EVERYONE who

wants Strong Bones for Longer



Complete Solution for Bone

Mineralization Save Bone

Make Bone

Mineralize Bone

Vitamin & Minerals

OPD45 provide about 12

minerals, 8 vitamins and amino

acid to take comprehensive care

of bone health.


Magnesium is needed for calcium absorption. Stimulate

calcitonin, a hormone that draws calcium from the blood and tissues back into the bones. Suppress parathyroid, another hormone that breaks

down bone. Convert vitamin D into its active form for

calcium absorption. Activate an enzyme required for new bone to form. Regulate calcium transport.


Improves the collagen formation & its maturation,

needed for strong flexible collagen, bones and improves

rate of mineralization.


Needed to produce the matrix of collagen

protein threads on Which bone forming

calcium phosphorus compound is



Copper aids in the formation of bone collagen

and is important to healing process.


Act as co-factor in formation of cartilage and bone collagen as well as in bone



Promotes the production of collagen and also has preserving effect on bone density.


The body requires boron for proper metabolism

& utilization of various bone-building factors,

including calcium, magnesium, vitamin D,

estrogen & perhaps testosterone.

Folic acid

Needed for detoxification of homocysteine

which is by product of methionine an amino

acid, the higher level of homocysteine promote



Ability of certain alkalizing potassium

compounds to neutralize the bone-depleting

acids that are produced during everyday

normal metabolic processes in bone.

Potassium Selenium and Iodine


Selenium and Iodine deficiency impair

growth of bone and cartilage.


Molybdenum supports bone growth and

ensuring a strong bone growth.


Iron act as co-factor in enzymes involved in

collagen bone matrix synthesis.


Selenium and Iodine deficiency impair

growth of bone & cartilage.

Vitamin C

Needed for formation of collagen in

which minerals lay down.

Vitamin K

Vit-K2 plays a central role in the metabolism of

calcium, the main mineral found in your bones and

teeth. Vitamin K2 activates the calcium-binding

actions of two proteins — matrix GLA protein and

osteocalcin, which help to build and maintain


Vitamin B6

Role of Detoxification of homocysteine so all

are bone protective nutrients.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a centre for bone growth and

remodeling process involved for building new



Role of Detoxification of homocysteine so all

are bone protective nutrients.

L -Arginine

Supports growth of Osteoblasts where bone

mass is formed.


Important Amino acid for generating collagen

which forms bone & Cartilage.


Act as protein building block, and helps strong

bones by regulating Alkaline body pH.

L Lysine

Needed for detoxification of homocysteine

which is by product of methionine an amino

acid, the higher level of homocysteine promote


Clinical Study links

Essential Nutrients for bone health 'Calcium'-

Calcium is the mineral 99% of body found in bones and teeth rest 1% is found in whole other parts of body and needed for various activity like blood clotting, nerve signaling, muscles function, releasing harmons and chemicals and for normal heart beat.

In bones this is found in form of crystalline mineral compound, embedded in protein collagen metrix with phosphate called hydroxyapatite which gives bone strength.

The daily requirement of calcium is 1000 to 1500 mg per day and 60 to 70% we get from our diet. Rich source of calcium are dairy products, oranges, soy,almonds ,broccoli,beans,germ vegetables, cereals,fish and meat, green peas,lentils, sesame seeds, eggs etc.

The risks of too little calcium intake is related to weak bones, due to lack of calcium: -Children may not reach their full potential adult height. -Adults may have low bone mass, which is a risk factor for osteoporosis.

Any type of calcium you consume but Vit D is always needed for its absorption, daily calcium requirement is 1000 to 1500 mg but we receive about 600 to 700 mg from our diet rest we need from suppliment. With Calcium need vitamin-D for better absorption but at same time also need magnesium in ratio of 2:1 or few recommend in case of OA 1:1. Magnesium magnify the role of calcium so magnesium is always needed in association with calcium

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Phosphorus'-

Phosphorus is a mineral that makes about 1% of a total human body weight. second most abundant mineral in the body, found in every cell of the body.large amount of phosphorus in the body is found in the bones and teeth. The main function of phosphorus is in the formation of bones and teeth. Phosphorus works with the B vitamins. It also helps with the following: -Kidney function -Muscle contractions -Normal heartbeat -Nerve signaling

But bones need both Calcium and Phosphorus.

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Magnesium'-

Calcium is crucial to bone health, but it can’t do its job without magnesium. Without magnesium, the body cannot: Adequately absorb calcium Stimulate calcitonin, a hormone that draws calcium from the blood and tissues back into the bones. Suppress parathyroid, another hormone that breaks down bone Convert vitamin D into its active form for calcium absorption Activate an enzyme required for new bone to form Regulate calcium transport Clinical studies confirm the role and critical importance of magnesium in the diet.

Calcium and magnesium work together so deficiency of one affect status of other mineral also. Increase in calcium without increasing magnesium leads loss of magnesium. And use of calcium in body with deficiency of magnesium may leads calcium deposits in joint cartilage and in kidney as stone.

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Magnesium'-

Chromium is important for activity of insulin, an effect may be bone protective in following ways

Promoting production of collagen via bone forming osteoblastic cells, and by moderating bone breakdown. In a trail found chromium picolinate suppliment shown low level of bone collagen protein and calcium. Supplementing chromium picolinate increase DHEA in blood flow,a harmon play physiological role in preventing bone density in postmenopausal women.

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Zinc '-

Zinc is essential micronutrients needed for immune response, reproduction, growth and development, neurological roles and bone health. Zinc acts as a cofactor for enzymes that are involved in protein and nucleic acid synthesis, and is known to play an important role in the bone remodeling cycle. Where it is involved as a cofactor for proteins involved in deposition and resorption of the bone matrix; plays a regulatory role; and is involved in the structure of the bone itself. There are two major roles for zinc concerning bone health: Bone mineral hydroxyapatite crystals contain a complex of znc and fluoride. Zinc stimulates bone building osteoblasts, and inhibits the function of bone resorption by osteoclasts

Zinc in importent for bone metabolism this been recognized in humans. A study conducted shows mean concentrations of serum zinc were significantly lower in osteoporotic women than in either osteopenic or normal women.

Study showed that serum zinc level in patients with bone fractures was significantly lower than normal range and supplementation with zinc had positive effect on callus formation.

Zinc is found in red meat, lamb, shell fish, seeds, nuts, dairy products, poultry and beans. The recommended daily minimum intake of zinc is 12 mg and for bone health 15 mg is recommended, so need supplementation.

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Boron'

Boron is recently found out as essential nutrient for bones in humans. Dietary boron influences the activity of many metabolic enzymes, as well as the metabolism of steroid hormones and several micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Boron supplementation in animals has been shown to increase bone strength. Boron may also play a role in improving arthritis, plasma lipid profiles, and brain function.

Boron is found in fruits, vegetables and nuts and daily RDA yet not established. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL), the maximum dose at which no harmful effects would be expected, is 17 mg per day for adolescents and adults.

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Manganese'-

Like Copper and zinc this is also important micronutrient. Manganese is involved in many chemical processes in the body, including processing of cholesterol, carbohydrates, and protein. Also involved in bone formation. Manganese is taken for prevention and treatment of manganese deficiency, It is also used for weak bones (osteoporosis), painful joints (osteoarthritis), a type of “tired blood” (anemia), weight loss, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) etc. Manganese is a mineral that is found in several foods including nuts, legumes, seeds, tea, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Potassium'-

Potassium intake shows positive association with bone density in elderly women, suggesting that increasing consumption of food rich in potassium may play a role in osteoporosis prevention.

Alkalizing potassium compounds help in managing acidalkaline balance in bone and prevent bone depleting acids in bone and also prevent loss of calcium from urine.

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Copper'-

Copper is an essential trace mineral that has only recently been found to play an important role in bone health, In humans severe copper deficiency is known to cause skeletal abnormalities, for example, osteoporosis is associated with malabsorption of copper in Menkes’ disease.

Post-menopausal women with a high dietary calcium intake combined with a high serum copper level had a greater lumbar bone density than women with low calcium intake and low serum copper.

In a 2-year double-blind, placebo controlled study, bone loss in post-menopausal women given combined calcium and copper, manganese and zinc supplements was significantly less than in the placebo group and in groups taking the trace mineral or calcium alone

Essential nutrients for bone health 'Selenium'-

Selenium is an essential nutrient that appears to play a role in bone health. That role is likely to involve the functions of selenoproteins. Many, selenoproteins are antioxidant enzymes that participate in maintaining cell redox balance, which is important in the regulation of inflammation and bone cell proliferation/differentiation. Selenium may play additional cellular roles in prevention of the bone resorption through the inactivation of osteoclasts.

Good natural food sources of selenium include nuts, walnuts fish, poultry, Grains etc and RDA is 50 to 70 mcg for adult.

In a 2-year double-blind, placebo controlled study, bone loss in post-menopausal women given combined calcium and copper, manganese and zinc supplements was significantly less than in the placebo group and in groups taking the trace mineral or calcium alone
