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What is match making?

In some cultures, the role of the matchmaker was and is quite professionalised. The hindu astrologer, were often thought to be essential advisors and also helped in finding right spouses as they had links and a relation of good faith with the families. In cultures where arrange marriage were the rule, the astrologer often claimed that the stars sanctified matches that both parents approved of, making it quite difficult for the possibly-hesitant children to easily object 

Kundali matching for marriage

Kundali matching or Kundli milan is the vedic astrology equivalent of horoscope matching for marriage. In hindu societies, especially in India, where arranged marriages are common, kundali matching is the most important factor taken into consideration while moving ahead with a marriage proposal. Matching kundalis of prospective bride and groom will let them know how stars influence their marriage and what remedial measures need to be taken to ensure eternal marital bliss.

Kundli Milan or gun milan & its importance

Planets and celestial bodies have a profound influence on the lives of every individual. So, when marriage joins two people, it is important to ensure that the heavenly bodies complement each other, resulting in peace, happiness and harmony in married life.

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